Special Education

Special Education

An Administrative Unit is a school district or board of cooperative educational services (BOCES) which is approved by the Department of Education to oversee the provision of special education services to children with disabilities. According to the Rules for the Administration of the Exceptional Children's Educational Act, "An administrative unit shall carry out all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations and shall be responsible for and provide assurances for":
  • Financial commitments and agreements of the unit and participating districts for special education programs and services;
  • Method or standards utilized to determine the number and types of special education personnel required to meet the needs of children with disabilities;
  • Procedures for regular, periodic evaluation of programs, services and student progress.
  • Resource allocation and management to assure adequate personnel, facilities, materials and equipment to meet the needs of children with disabilities;
  • Qualified personnel;
  • Maintenance of and access to student records;
  • Childfind, referral, assessment, planning and delivery of services;
  • Procedures for prior notice, consent, confidentiality and due process;
  • Staff development;
  • Program evaluation.

Special Education Publications:

Click below for US Department of Education Rules: Assistance to States for the Education of Children With Disabilities and Preschool Grants for Children With Disabilities.
Click below for Colorado Department of Education Rules for the Administration of the Exceptional Children's Educational Act.